
About Cityhop

Cityhop was co-founded in 2007 by former Auckland City Councillor Victoria Carter who wanted to provide the community access to a safe, affordable and environmentally friendly car. For over a decade Cityhop has been committed to helping create liveable cities, giving our enthusiastic car sharing members a way of living with one less car.

Our Sustainability Mission

leftCityhop members make a significant difference to the community. After joining Cityhop, members drive less and use active and public transport more. This means less congestion, less road trauma, and less vehicle emissions. On average every member reduces their carbon emissions by 394kg CO2-e after joining car share.

Auckland Transport’s 2018 research into Cityhop members found that after joining Cityhop:

  • People use active transport 36% more.
  • People use public transport 40% more often.
  • And 49% lived without a car, sold a car, or delayed a purchase of a car.

Global research indicates round-trip car share cars can replace up to 15 privately owned vehicles giving back space to the city.


Car share members are shown to become multimodal travellers choosing the most efficient form for each journey, increase public transport usage and are more active.


The average Cityhop member saves 392 KG CO2-e every year!

Causes We Support

Our Key Partners